Welcome to the Feminist Action Lab
Growing Our Intergenerational Power
Feminist Movements
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like intersectionality, power, disability justice and more!

Gender Based Violence
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like consent, IPV and more!
Economic Justice
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like care work, structural adjustment, bottom-up development and more!

Bodily Autonomy & SRHR
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like reproductive justice, pleasure, CSE and more!
Feminist Climate Justice
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like sacrifice zones, adaptation, the commons and more!

Feminist Technology
This study guide features videos, case studies and concepts like community networks, surveillance, data feminism and more!
Advocacy and Action
This study guide features videos, case studies and tools to help you engage in advocacy platforms like Generation Equality Forum and feminist social movements!
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